1. Jan. 25 ING Miami Marathon (FL)
2. Feb. 15 Pensacola Marathon (FL)
3. Mar. 21 National Marathon (DC)
4. Apr. 18 Charlottesville Marathon (VA)
5. May 3 Cincinnati Marathon (OH)
6. Jun. 27 Seattle Rock n' Roll Marathon (WA)
7. Jul. 26 San Francisco Marathon (CA)
8. Sep. 7 American Discovery Trail Marathon (CO)
9. Oct. 25 Marine Corps Marathon (DC)
10. Dec. 6 Las Vegas Marathon (NV)
I will be providing regular commentary on this blog site about our mission, the genesis of this campaign, and updates on our march toward victory. This is an arduous undertaking but one that both myself and the entire DLE family are making with eyes wide open. I encourage you to get involved and help us meet this goal.
I look forward to updating you in the coming days, weeks and months--including a race recap from Miami three weeks ago--and I thank you in advance for your help, your encouragement and your support along the way.
Doug Eldridge