Saturday, March 21, 2009

PRESS/National Marathon...starts in less than 2 hours

Washington, DC. 

I'm sitting at the laptop, typing a few notes and feeling a lot of jitters. The weather is really chilly here in DC this morning. The good people at say it will be about 32 degrees for the starting gun here in about 90 minutes. 

This has been a busy week on a lot of levels and I have the bags under my eyes this morning to prove it. Working near all-nighters during marathon week isn't ideal, but that's life. 

NBC did a great piece on the 10-12-100 Campaign this past Thursday.

We shot the piece out at Hains Point, which has been a DC landmark for many years. DC natives will always remember it as being the home of the famous statue "The Awakening" which was featured in many movies and a famous Reebok ad featuring DC native and Georgetown star miler, Chris Lukezic. I missed seeing it out there, but the shot went great and I think NBC reporter, Michael Flynn, is not only a great guy, but also a young journalist on the rise--look for big things from him.

Also, the Spring Issue of Capitol File hit news stands earlier this week. I sat down with Editor Sherry Moeller a while back and I am so appreciative of the kind, well-worded article she wrote. Sherry really captured the spirit of our conversation and the over-arching goals and sentiment of this year-long endeavor. Check it out online at and pick up a copy at your local bookstore today.

Okay. I'd better get off the laptop and get my things together. There's a tentative plan to do another pre-race interview with NBC at the start line, so that's got to be all for now. 

Those of you outside the DC area can check out the race course and follow a lot of the action at

Number three on the horizon. 

God Bless. 

Doug Eldridge
DLE Sports